iPhone 5 lusters on Verizon explain why they’re not biting yet

For every Verizon customer who bought an iPhone 4 this month, there appear to be three who are waiting and lusting for the Verizon iPhone 5 instead, which could surface at any time this year – with Apple’s history suggesting summertime. If the reasons for waiting aren’t self evident already, Beatweek readers weigh in on why they see the iPhone 5 as the prize at the end of the waiting-game rope, even though it means waiting even longer.

“I still feel that the release of the iPhone 4 for VZ, when the iPhone 5 is going to come out for VZ sometime in June is just a waste of money and an upgrade ticket… you only get one every 18 months with VZ so why waste it on getting the iPhone 4 when the iPhone 5 is 90 days away?” – Jordan Eilbert

“I love Apple, but I would rather wait a few more months for the chance at LTE (in an LTE market afterall) compliance, bigger storage, and the other new goodies. I only get to use 1 more New Every Two for my two phones, I would rather make it count for something that isn’t already on the decline.” – Aurorafina

“Apple would love you to buy an iPhone 4 then toss it out the window and buy an iPhone 5 right when that comes out. Because that’s exactly what happens and part of the reason they make so much money. Fans of their products are more than willing to dump the old one when the new one comes out, unless you’re talking about the MacBook Air and the fumble of not including a backlit keyboard. They probably lost quite a few upgraders on that one.” – h f m

“I just think that most people who were eager enough to line up didn’t wait four years to get an iPhone.  Plus there’s a big issue of upgrade (Verizon) and switching (ATT) costs, that will naturally stretch the process out.  But if the experience of foreign carriers holds, the iPhone will eventually be about as common on Verizon as it is on ATT.”


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