After a decade of shaky starts, tablet computers have finally arrived. Unlike their bulky, expensive parents, this current generation of slates boasts trim frames, gorgeous screens, and power-house specs. So, here are the 10 most intriguing tablets of 2011, in order of screen size
2. BlackBerry PlayBook
Another pint-sized tablet that still packs a punch.
The BlackBerry PlayBook will be coming out sometime this year. Rather than use Android or iOS, this tablet runs a custom QNX operating system, which should give it an undeniable BlackBerry feel. The tablet, packed with a speedy 1 GHz dual-core processor, is estimated to weigh less than a pound. It will have front-and rear-facing cameras, perfect for both taking snapshots and video conferencing.
Screen size: 7 inches
Price: Not yet announced
OS: BlackBerry OS
Network: Uses BlackBerry has a modem. 4G model to come.
Available: Spring 2011
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