With reports that the cancer-stricken Apple CEO may be in the last weeks of his life, the iPhone 5 and iPad 2 could be the last devices that have his personal touch on them.
For Apple fans worldwide, we could be facing an end of an era.
Among others, the Daily Mail is reporting that Apple CEO Steve Jobs has resumed chemotherapy treatments as a result of a cancer relapse, and analysts are prognosticating that he could only have six weeks to live. The report goes on to say that Mr. Jobs has lost a great deal of weight, and that his current physical condition indicates that, “He definitely appears to be in the terminal stages of his life from these photos. I would be surprised if he weighed more than 130lb.”
In spite of his degrading health, it has been reported that Steve Jobs continues to push forward with his work, putting in full days at the Apple campus, purportedly in an effort to put finishing touches on the iPhone 5 and iPad 2.
The iPhone 5 and iPad 2 — Last Testaments To Steve Jobs’ Legacy?
Whatever the evidence may suggest, calculating peoples’ death is just about as unreliable as predicting the weather. For as much as we may have Steve Jobs pegged for the grave in 2011, his remarkable will to live and access to perhaps the most advanced healthcare treatments could prolong his life well beyond even ours — we could be pushing up daisies long before Steve. However, should 2011 end up to be Mr. Jobs’ final year, the iPhone 5 and iPad 2 will be the last major devices he will have a hand in designing — a detail that is anything but insignificant.
How could this affect the iPhone 5 and iPad 2?
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