"Unlocking" the iPhone - New Job earn a lot of money.

Kevin Lee, a guy last year student at George Mason University are earning $ 50,000 per year thanks to work by the U.S. government is now legally "unlocked" iPhone.

To push for his work, Kevin Lee even posted classified ads on Craigslist with the world's largest content, "Let your iPhone is" unlocked "today."

Within minutes, young students who study computer science can download code into the iPhones of customers and quickly opened the gate to a world of software applications and not in the App store Apple Store that are condemned. The "exclusive" unlocking include: add an Internet connection of the iPhone with a laptop or with iPad without extra charge to use the service for AT & T, the change of AT & T or Verizon with a firm cheaper telecommunications; customize iPhone with 3D displays, interface changes, icon ...

Form of "primitive" of the "unlocking" began shortly after Apple released the iPhone first generation in 2007, but this work has now developed into a lucrative industry with millions of customers. Jailbreak or unlock (unlock) iPhone is Apple seen as the action illegal and damaging to their business, but with the U.S. government does not. Last month 7 / 2010, the U.S. copyright office has taken a number of new provisions on exemptions in the digital copyright law (DMCA - Digital Millennium Copyright Act), one of which is to allow mobile phone users jailbreak (unlock the OS) or unlock device (Unlock) for the use of unauthorized applications manufacturers.
"Honestly in the beginning, I only do this for myself and friends but it has been developing very fast," Lee said, "Previously, I have 5 to 10 clients per week, but this had reached 30 to 40 today. Lee is now jailbreak your iPhone to change the design of the new screen and then "unlock" them so customers can switch to the wireless network.

Cydia, App Store "unlock" the first show earns about $ 10 million per year and has about 4.5 million weekly users find applications here. The dominance of this shop in the jailbreak world has expanded more than last year, when the emergence of a rival shop began to "gnaw" in "pie" of Cydia, and Cydia market simply wax merge with their competitors to create a monopoly in the market.

Meanwhile, some developers are unfit to be tens of thousands of dollars thanks to the sale of their applications.

Recently, Toyoto also offers a free program on Cydia booth, ads for its Scion line of vehicles. Once installed, the car will be displayed on the screen of the iPhone iPhone and the icon will be adjusted to add the icon that looks like the front of this car.

Toyota is also the first large group unveiled a web advertisement for "unlocking" www.modmyi.com. This site has traffic and revenue more than doubled since 2010.

Kyle Matthews, co-founder of the site Modmyi.com commented, "Advertising and the theme of Toyota, for me means the" unlocked "are becoming more mainstream. The industry is still growing, even the repair shop is also available unlocked for you. "

Apple and AT & T does not stop crackdown on the black market is booming. Mr Matthews said that Apple has lifted force Toyota ad and this subject and they were car manufacturers agree. Apple declined to comment on the matter.

Previously, Apple has always said that the "unlock" iPhone and iPad may void the warranty of the equipment. Two years ago, Apple filed a petition to the Library of Congress, the agency oversees copyright and that "the unauthorized modification" This constitutes an unlawful and employers are suffering from significant costs in investigating customer complaints about the iPhone is "unlocked" does not work.

Mark Siegel, a spokesman for AT & T said the company is able to detect customers connect their iPhone with other devices has been "cracked" illegal. These customers will be the company sending the letter set out the options: one is that they can pay for AT & T $ 20 a month for free using the highest data; the two are constantly connecting devices are not and three is to accept give AT & T, but is automatically registered and receive invoices.

Siegel declined to disclose revenue information that AT & T lost because of unauthorized access tools, but said only a small number of customers did so. Meanwhile, the programmers said, with its technology, AT & T vulnerable to "unlock" than Verizon.

Jay Freeman, 29, is founder and executive of Cydia, App Store iPhone is not officially the world's largest. This store now offers about 700 different designs and to modify than 30,000 design fee is free. Cydia said Freeman was opened in 2008 and currently earn about $ 250,000 after-tax profits annually. Freeman employs only full time first from Delicious, bookmark site, Yahoo store to improve the design of Cydia.

However, not everyone is as open as Freeman talked about their contribution to the app store this black market. Some experts, "cracked" and the developers always refused to speak publicly. The ad on Craigslist and e-mail address is Lee was removed from the Internet. After an initial interview with the Washington Post, Lee did not give any further comment through his assistant.


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