Siri iPhone 4S Jailbreak: SiriToggles Can Launch Apps, Change Settings And More

As with every technology, there will always be room for improvement. With Siri, it seems like changing iOS settings and launching apps are the two most requested features. If you’re already jailbroken, why not take a look at SiriToggles.

“SiriToggles integrates directly into Siri and you use the same way you normally use Siri. To toggle settings like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or cellular data, you can use the phrase “enable/disable” or “turn on/off,” followed by the setting you’d like to switch. You can launch any app by saying “launch app” followed by the app name.”

I’m not sure if Apple is working on these two features for iPad 3, iPhone 5 and maybe even iOS 6, but I seriously hope they do. As for SiriToggles, it should work for now. And did I mention that nice enhancement is free to download?

And of course, iPhone 4 and iPad 2 owners need not lose hope that Siri somehow will visit their phones soon… in due time.


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