iPhone 5 Release Date Delays of No Concern for Apple

With the infuriating and undeniably impressive silence continuing on relation to an official iPhone 5 release date, key competitors seem to be giving Apple very little to worry about in relation to maintaining overall supremacy in the next-generation Smartphone market.

Of course, there is no doubt a considerable amount of debate going on within the Cupertino company as we speak regarding the iPhone 5 release date itself, in relation to whether it would be wise to give the 4S a full year in the spotlight, or return to the usual summer launch schedule.

In either case, comfort will likely be taken in the fact that Samsung has slipped away from its briefly held top-spot in relation to Smartphone sale, while Nokia on the other hand is making massive job cuts in a desperate attempt to remain afloat.

Despite the fact that the 4S was greeted with skepticism and indeed widespread criticism ahead of its launch, it went on to break all previously held Apple sales records and account for enormous market share gain in Q4 2011 – most coming at the expense of BlackBerry and Android.

Android peaked in relation to market share in Q3 to be followed by a drastic decline in Q4, while BlackBerry on the other hand has been steadily spiraling for years now.

As such, the iPhone 5 and its eventual release date is being seen more and more as something of a luxury Apple has to play with, rather than any kind of necessity then need to hurry up with. All optimistic eyes therefore remain on Apple’s WWDC in June to bring us the all-important details, but given the incredible momentum of the 4S, it might be best to cautiously expect Q4 2012 as a realistic possibility.


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