During the month of April, the new HTC Sensation formerly known as the Pyramid was announced at the official HTC event in London. At that time, we gave you news of the specs and more recently, comparisons, its graphics, news of the battery issue being resolved, price and so on. Today the news if true, will no doubt get many of you chomping on the bit.
According to James Cushing over at thegadgets.net, a rumor has suggested that the new Sensation will be available on June 12th at US retailer Target. The news comes as leaked marketing material has been spotted from Android Central, which is indicating that the handset will indeed be launched at this time.
We have to emphasize that until its made official, this is still only rumor. It was just 2 or so weeks ago that we here at OSM, reported that an announcement page had been set up, allowing customers to get updated news and information about the Sensation’s arrival, which as we were aware was June 8th.
Along with news of the US date, a price has also been obtained but this is only speculation. The phone running on T-Mobile is priced at $199.00 on a two year data plan or a stand alone price of $549.00.
If you need refreshing on the impressive specs, we can tell you that the Sensation will incorporate a 4.3-inch qHD display matching that of other phones such as the Droid Bionic (if it surfaces) and the Samsung Galaxy S2. Along with this it will run on Android 2.3 Gingerbread, although at this time we do not know whether it will be the newer 2.3.4 update as oppose to 2.3.3, Sense 3.0, 1.2GHz dual-core processor and 8MP rear camera, again matching the Galaxy S2, 1080p and so on.
Tell us are you tempted by the HTC Sensation, or does the Galaxy S2 do it for you? Coincidentally earlier on today we gave you news that the Samsung was indeed priced and ready to go on AmazonUK.
HTC Sensation US Arrival 12th June ? Equal To Galaxy S II
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